Hello friends, a lot of people are looking for a way to get vbs for a free period to try or earn money from it
In this lesson, I will tell you about some companies that offer this free period and also explain how to get it easily. Just keep reading
As you noticed in the topic picture, this is aws company, the best company to get a free trial for a whole year, not only vbs, but also many useful services that we will explain everything later
But now let's figure out how to create this experimental period
First, the requirements for obtaining a free trial
1.A credit card with at least $3 in it
2.A phone number to receive an activation message
3.Gmail account
These are all requirements
let's start
Fill in all the boxes
this important must have 3$
enter your phone numper
After getting a message stating that the account is set to your mail, you can go and start your experiment